To My Darling Hera
To My Darling Hera
I cannot fathom the words I am writing, that it has already been a year living without you. We had you since I was so young that I cannot really remember a time without you. You were there through the better and worse times of 12 years of my life. 12 years that were way too short, but that I will always be forever grateful for, how lucky am I to have gotten to know you and be as close to you as I was for 12 years. Not a day has gone by that I haven’t thought about you. I still sleep with your lamby beside me every night and I talk to you when I can’t sleep. I used to light candles for you everyday and just sit and stare at the flame while I thought about you, life is definitely so busy I don’t have as much time to sit around watching a candle flame, but it doesn’t mean I think of or miss you any less, in fact I think it’s more. I often often like to sit when I have a moment, even if it is at night time and reflect on how special you were and all of our amazing memories.
Even in your last few weeks you were so strong for enduring the pain, I am so proud of you my girl for the sweet dog you were. Even in those last weeks I enjoyed taking care of you, like you were my little senior citizen, I liked that you still needed me, to be completely honest I still need you, and I know that even though you’re not physically with me, you are still here. I would have kept you around forever if I could, but I knew that was not fair. It became my turn to be brave and I had to let you go. That was the hardest thing I ever did, but I held you until the very last moments not wanting to let you go for one second. I wanted you to feel me there and all of my love for you as you took your last breaths. I wanted you to know that I am there until the end and even after.
You were always my little buddy and we share a special bond I just don’t think I can find again with another dog. (Although I have been lucky to have your son, Chance, and your grandson, Nico show me that there is still happiness and deep bonds to be developed). Not only did I watch you grow into the personable dog you are, but you watched me grow from nearly six years old to seventeen–nearly an adult. Thank you for all the times you not only kept me company when I was sad, but forced your cute little face right in front of mine and looked into me with those eyes, whilst trying to give me kisses and cheer me up. You never failed to make me smile. Your hugs were the best remedy for sadness.
I always thought you were one of the prettiest dogs, your colours, your adorable face and the expressions you would make. Your tail too–you definitely had the most powerful tail-wag ever! I think your grandson Nico got your tail because when it gets going, it goes!
One of my earliest memories with. you is when you were just a puppy and I hadn’t known you very long yet, but you were chasing your tail in the kitchen like crazy! I was kind of scared of dogs when I was really young, but I never felt scared of you, maybe I knew deep down that you were going to be my best friend.
Even up until a few months before, you still had energy. You would grab one of your toys and run around with it. Or give Chance a hard time. Your favourite game to play was any sort of play fighting. You were always a tough girl, honestly more of a man that Chance will ever be (that is out of love Chancey). You really loved the treat game too. That’s where we hid the treats and then you and Chance would find them. you really loved treats and food in general (same though, you’re so real for that my girl). What I love most though is that you looked at me the same way you looked at your treats–with all the joy, love and excitement your little body could muster. You were always full of so much love for everyone. You made everyone feel happy in your presence. Especially if they pet you and gave you treats. Some of your most favourites were tummy scratches, hip rubs and head pats.
You always had quite the personality. I’ve never seen a dog get so excited for Christmas! We couldn’t even get out the tree without you getting all excited! Even as a young kid, I was always more excited to watch you open your presents than get my own. Christmas this year just wasn’t the same. Nico and Chance get excited, but they’ll never get into it the way you did.
I also loved walking you. We went for so many walks because you were such a good walker. You trotted along so happily with your little tail wagging and ears flapping. You absolutely loved wandering and exploring. You were always impressively agile as you climbed through the woods when we were camping. Across the river over log bridges, up steep hills, you did it all!
I just can’t believe how docile and patient you’ve always been. Especially growing up with Kaitlyn and I. We would dress you up, write songs and make videos with you, etc. We also built some pretty sick forts together. I love how much you always wanted to be around me, even when I wasn’t home I had to leave my bedroom door open for you because it was your favourite place. However, you were very polite and well-mannered. You never barged in, instead you poked your little head in the door and waiting until I invited you in. That is one of my favourite memories of you and something I miss the most, I miss seeing your little face in my door waiting to be let in.
Another favourite place of yours was at the acreage with Mama and Papa. You loved it so much that sometimes you refused to leave, you would hide when we were packing up or we’d have to carry you to the car. Other times you would stay out there to have your own sleepovers with them! Your favourite place to lay was under Papa’s chair, you guys had something special. I miss you both so dearly and like to imagine the two of you just like that. It brings me great comfort. I even have a photo of you too like that in my room that Mama gave me.
It makes me so sad that you never got to see me graduate, turn 18, start university, it was a very tough year without. On my eighteenth birthday I got my second tattoo in your honour so no matter what every step I take, you are taking it with me.
You were and always will be my little girl Hera. Thank you for giving my sweet boy Chancey (Chance), and my sweet Nico. They bring me so much joy and when I look into their little eyes I see you and all the love you had for me. I know that you are happy every time they make me smile and I make them wag their little tails in return. I hope that wherever your little soul is now that you are peaceful and happy. I miss you more than words could say.
I love you forever my darling Hera.
Love Makayla <3